top xRM

top public

The digital record solution of the top xRM for funding management in SAP

Digitised funding management

Funding is extremely important in the budget of public institutions. However, applying for and managing it is not only enormously time-consuming. Different specifications must also be adhered to exactly.

With top flow’s funding record, the entire process can be controlled – from budgeting to application and reporting.

Funding documents

Process Control and documentation of the complete process for a funding process from the record
Merging of documents
and information
Merging documents and information on a funding process into one record

Integration of email traffic and approval processes across all phases

SAP Reference Objects Direct integration into the SAP funding application
Linking other records Linking other records – SAP objects, funding, funding providers, budget documents
Access and permissions Checking the access authorisation to SAP authorisation objects such as company code, type of income and payment family
Control of the workflow Control of the workflow along the process – for automated processes in the authorisation and approval process, and for monitoring appointments

Prefabricated electronic records:

top sales - digital sales record

top purchase - digital purchase record

top contract - digital contract record

top personnel - digital personnel record

top project - digital project record

top production - digital production order record

top master data - digital material record

top real estate - digital real estate record

Other digital record solutions

address cockpit